For Researchers - Biospecimens

Blood Collection

After informed consent, two blood tubes (one lavender-top and one red-top) were collected by a North Carolina Cancer Hospital phlebotomist at the time of their clinically ordered blood work. Blood was typically collected through venipuncture. If a blood draw was not feasible at the time of the enrollment visit, this was noted in the tracking system and patients were asked to complete a blood draw at a later clinic visit.

Blood Processing and Banking

Study staff placed the lavender top tube on ice immediately after it was drawn. To maximize the utility of the serum, staff allowed the red top tube to sit at room temperature for 30 minutes immediately after collection to facilitate coagulation. Blood tubes are transported to the Biospecimen Processing Facility on ice in secure containers within 2 hours of collection. Once the blood samples arrive at BSP, they were logged into the Lab Inventory Management System and processed to serum, plasma and DNA. Serum, plasma and extracted DNA are aliquoted according to standard protocols and stored long term at -80°C.

Banked Blood Products

Of the 3,999 participants with a UNC Cancer Registry diagnosis who completed interviews, blood specimens were collected for 3,027 (76%). Of these, serum is available for 2,941 participants, plasma for 2,922, and DNA for 2,987.

Blood Process Protocol

Click here for a detailed blood processing, handling and storage protocol. BIOSPECIMENS PROCESS PROTOCOL  

Tissue Collection

UNC Cancer Survivorship Cohort participants on the operating room (OR) schedule were identified by the Tissue Procurement Facility (TPF) staff. Tumor tissue collected in the OR was first evaluated clinically (for diagnosis). Left over tissue (tumor and adjacent normal) was made available to the TPF who processed and archived it for research. Tissue procurement status is available upon request.

Tumor Tissue Processing and Banking

The Tissue Procurement Facility processed the left-over tissue in two ways: 1) snap frozen (liquid nitrogen) and/or 2) formalin fixed-paraffin embedded (FFPE). Snap frozen tissue is suitable for extraction of RNA, DNA and protein, and FFPE specimens are suitable for histochemical techniques. If tissue sample is limited, all was processed as snap frozen. For a detailed tissue processing handling and storage protocol, see Biospecimens Process Protocol 1.0 2012_01_12.pdf.