For Researchers - Recruitment and Enrollment


Cancer Survivorship Cohort participants met the following requirements:



Participants were enrolled from April 26th, 2010 to August 31st, 2016. Potential participants were identified at the time of patient appointment scheduling from the electronic scheduling system. Eligible patients were approached for enrollment during their visit.

Informed Consent Process

All participants provided informed consent in either English or Spanish prior to participation. Eligible patients typically watched a video on informed-consent that described participation and informed consent and HIPAA documents. Research Assistants (RAs) discuss the consent video with patients and answered questions. UNC Cancer Survivorship Cohort participants signed Informed Consent and HIPAA Documents electronically.

To view the UNC Cancer Survivorship Cohort Consent document, click here.

To view the UNC Cancer Survivorship Cohort HIPAA document, click here.

The signed forms are stored securely in UNC Cancer Survivorship Cohort electronic records and paper copies of the informed consent and HIPAA documents were given to the participants.

Enrolled participants agreed to the following: